In "We Shall See!", Edgar Wallace intertwines elements of crime fiction and social commentary within a vivid narrative. Set against the backdrop of post-World War I Britain, the novel embarks on a thrilling journey punctuated by mystery and suspense. Wallace's distinctive prose, marked by sharp dialogue and intricate plotting, captures the zeitgeist of a society grappling with upheaval and change. His astute observations about class and justice resonate deeply, offering readers a compelling glimpse into a tumultuous era through the lens of a gripping story where moral dilemmas abound. Edgar Wallace, an influential figure in early 20th-century literature, was not only a prolific writer but also a keen observer of human nature and societal dynamics. His tumultuous beginnings, as well as his experiences as a journalist, undoubtedly informed his ability to weave intricate tales that reflect the complexities of his time. Wallace's distinctive flair for dramatic storytelling and his engagement with contemporary issues have left an indelible mark on the crime genre, both inspiring fellow writers and enthralling readers. I highly recommend "We Shall See!" to those who appreciate an enthralling blend of mystery and social critique. Wallace's sharp wit coupled with an intricate plot performs a delicate dance, captivating readers while prompting them to engage with the moral quandaries presented. This novel stands as a testament to Wallace's enduring legacy and the depth of his literary prowess.