Two warring nations, United States and Japan, both equally mighty and determined in its path to emerge as an invincible global power. Japan with its disciplined and constituted war gimmicks locks horn with the technologically advanced US. With the first ever radar system prototype installed, Battle of Midway inaugurates the opening of Pacific theatre in WW2. With Japanese captains of sinking war ships deciding to drown their pride and dignity in the teal waters of the Pacific, the tragic death of the three captured pilots in the hands of a callous Japanese admiral to the abysmal loss of lives and machinery in the wake of a naval battle, is nothing short of a tumultuous ride, akin to a fictional movie. The battle of midway is as much a story of generals of competing nations as is that of combating aircraft carriers; Yorktown, Enterprise and Hornet in the US and Hiryu, Soryu and Akagi in the Japanese side. Go through this book to have a brief journey this ferocious battle of WWII. The tactics, techniques and aftermaths of this combat have unveiled here.