Prof. Dr. Elena G. Popkova, Doctor of Economics, the Founder and President of the Institute of Scientific Communications (Volgograd, Russia), Professor of the Department of Economics, Chair of International Economic Relations at RUDN University, Moscow, Russia. Author of more than 150 publications in Scopus (h-index: 39). Editor of more than 50 books and a large number of special issues of international peer-reviewed scientific journals. Member of the editorial board of the International Journal of Economic Policy in Emerging Economies and the International Journal for Quality Research. Recipient of Highly Commended Paper Award for the journal On the Horizon for 2020 (Emerald). Honoured worker of science and high technologies of the Russian Federation. Honoured professor of Osh State University (Osh, Kyrgyzstan). She is among Scopus top 2% of most-cited scholars of the world in 2019-2021.