fola onabanjo
Wow! what an interesting story! I love love it. Alana and Travis are just great together, then throw in a bit of Emmy and Black with zander the story just got very enticing! As Travis and his band members were forced into a contract they can't break, they went into a destruction mode just to get back at the record label. Elise has done an excellent job with this story as usual. I love it.
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Lynda Custer
Indigo Rain Elise Noble succeeded in capturing my attention with the first sentence: “”AIEEEEE!” TESSA SHRIEKED.” I trusted Elise to involve me in a new adventure filled by characters and a plot she developed using humor, intrigue and a bit of romance. Indigo Rain did not disappoint. Since Alana first appeared in Shallow Graves, I wanted the character connections to be fresh in my mind. So upon finishing Indigo Rain I reread Shallow Graves then I reread Indigo Rain. I enjoyed reading it again. Another great read by Elise Noble! "I voluntarily reviewed an advance copy of this book"
1 person found this review helpful
Lone Wolf Poetics
Not much I can really say that hasn't been said about any other Elise Noble title. Another great work of excellent storytelling, quick action, romance, and comedy. The rockstar angle in Indigo Rain gives it a fresh world to live in, while still maintaining everything awesome about the Blackwood Security world. Highly recommended