
· Rare Gems 6. liburua · World Castle Publishing, LLC
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Jul Whitney’s mother, Celeste, has known Annabelle Erickson for many years, and it is high time she pays her a visit. Celeste has just arrived at the Erickson’s when she receives a disturbing phone call from Jul--he’s been shot. Annabelle insists that Jul recover in their home. She has granddaughters in the medical field that can take care of him better than any hospital…. 

Jul loves the Erickson home and is given Emerald’s old bedroom to recuperate in. However, there is something about the Erickson family that’s odd…everyone is friendly enough, but they’re speaking to him very cryptic, like he should know something about them, but not. And when Jade tells him that the large wolf playing in the yard by the edge of the woods is part human, he doesn’t believe her. He’s thinking at this point he’d be better off finding a nice hotel room to recuperate in--like now. He rounds the corner and is hit so hard in the chest that he finds himself soaking wet in the middle of the pool with the most beautiful--and quite angry--woman that he’s ever seen....  

Emerald Erickson didn’t see that coming. The man, human no less, just steps right out in front of her. She hits him so hard that they’re both in the middle of the pool. Now all the fool’s doing is staring at her breasts with a sappy grin on his face. When she looks down, she sees that the wet fabric hides nothing. Pissed off only touches the surface of the feelings raging through her body--he is her mate. 

Emerald has been avoiding spending time at her sister’s house because they’re all happily mated and she feels like she’s intruding into their happiness. And she had given up finding a mate a long time ago because she only attracts the bad sorts--men who love to intimate women with their fists. Would this man be any different? She doesn’t want to stick around long enough to find out….

Egileari buruz

Kathi Barton, winner of the Pinnacle Book Achievement award as well as a best-selling author on Amazon and All Romance books, lives in Nashport, Ohio with her husband Paul. When not creating new worlds and romance, Kathi and her husband enjoy camping and going to auctions. She can also be seen at county fairs with her husband who is an artist and potter.

Her muse, a cross between Jimmy Stewart and Hugh Jackman, brings her stories to life for her readers in a way that has them coming back time and again for more. Her favorite genre is paranormal romance with a great deal of spice. You can visit Kathi online and drop her an email if you’d like. She loves hearing from her fans. [email protected].

Follow Kathi on her blog: http://kathisbartonauthor.blogspot.com/

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