Kristen White
4 1/2 stars if this would allow me. We all have that one friend or relative that likes to argue. Well here enters Henina with a penchant for verbal dualing. Will she be able to thwart the fates and stay alive in the meanwhile? All because of a prophecy that leaves a little more information to be desired and thus 24 potential saviors for the kingdom in ending a long standing war. A very enjoyable read with a quirky character, humour and a total lack of brain to mouth filter. A bit off my normal style of reading, but I did enjoy breaking from my usual haunts and writing styles.
Retn Uhyt Nuob
I've been reading Emily's web comics on and off since I found them a few years back. Decided to try this, in support of an author whose work I've enjoyed. Well worth the purchase price - the main character, Henina, pulled me rapidly through the story, enjoying every minute. I am looking forward to the sequel.