Kate Matthews, sergeant in the Aniok Island Sheriff’s department, is sinking into mean, self-pitying martyrdom, and the man who can cure her doesn’t like her very much.
The Sheriff tells her to bring in a new recruit, John T. Dunnigan. Kate knew him in high school and considers him a weak, limp, useless man. She meets John and fails to see his new body or attitude. She does everything she can to drive him away.
She’s got a real tool for that. If John joins the Sheriff’s office, he becomes a werebear, alternately man or a Kodiak bear, 1500 pounds or muscles and claws. He also has to take Kate as his mate. Forever.
She’s almost persuaded him to leave when they answer a call to a girl Kate knows. Her nasty mean surface character drops away when she takes the girl in her arms to comfort her. John sees it and tells her he’ll take the job.
Will Kate accept John’s love and face life again or will she lose her courage and allow herself to drown in a sea of helpless self-loathing.