Clan Novel Tremere is the twelfth novel in the series.
Magic, manipulation, murder. With one foot firmly planted in the mythic and the other rooted in the unforgiving streets of New York City, Aisling Sturbridge, Regent of the besieged Chantry of the Five Boroughs, serves as leader, teacher, and guardian to the novices entrusted to her care.
But if holding the front line against the Sabbat were not challenge enough, Sturbridge must struggle to unravel a murder in the very heart of her chantry; to upstage the manipulation of rival Tremere powerbrokers and to survive the escalating (and unwelcome) attention from the motherhouse in Vienna.
All of these struggles, however, may prove to be in vain. If Sturbridge cannot find some answer to her own silent accusers–the faces of the Children down the Well.
This series is a monumental 13 novel exploration of the forbidden world of the Kindred. What began in Clan Novel: Toreador continues here, and it's ending will determine the fate of every human–and inhuman–being in the world.