Drawing on the latest research in Behavioral Science, this book will help you improve your understanding of what really makes us do what we do at work. It will help you make better decisions, and give you the tools to build a physical and psychological environment that will benefit your company. Little Nudges can make big differences.
The first part of the book takes a look at what we've learned about human reactions from findings in Behavioral Science, and how they can be used to pinpoint what gets in the way of successful performance at work (decision-making, personal efficiency, etc.). In the second part, you will learn how to create a physical and psychological environment that increases individual performance and triggers effective and cross-disciplinary teamwork. The third and final part will give you insight and tools to bring about positive collective behavior.
Whether you are a company manager, an employee, or a human resources specialist, Nudge Management contains the tools you need to optimize your work environment and boost employee engagement. Win-win.
Éric Singler est directeur général du groupe BVA – l'un des 20 premiers groupes mondiaux d’études marketing – en charge de l’activité grande consommation IN VIVO BVA et de la BVA Nudge Unit. Fondateur du think tank Nudge France, il est l’un des pionniers de l’approche nudge en France. Intervenant auprès des pouvoirs publics et des grandes entreprises internationales, il donne régulièrement des conférences en France et à l’étranger et participe à des formations en marketing dans des écoles et universités prestigieuses, dont HEC, INSEAD, Paris-Dauphine et l’ENA.