G. Sastry
Dr. G. Sasthri, Assistant Professor of Seed Science and Technology, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore. She has 5 years of experience in research, seed production and extension; 2 years of experience in teaching. She has contributed 17 book chapters, published 26 research papers in National and International Journals and 15 popular articles both in Tamil and English. She has presented two papers in National Seminar. Her area of specialization includes cotton and pulses seed production.
J. Venkateswarlu
Dr. J. Venkateswarlu (Retd.) Director, Central Arid Zone Research Institute (ICAR), Jodhpur. He was Chief Scientist, Project Coordinator of AICRPDA and Head, Division of Resource Management, CRIDA (ICAR), Hyderabad. He worked as Additional Commissioner of Agriculture, Government of India, New Delhi before joining as Director at CAZRI (ICAR), Jodhpur. He worked as Consultant to World Bank Projects, MANAGE, Hyderabad and NIRD, Hyderabad. He wrote books in addition to publishing articles in different Journals.
Y.V.R. Reddy
Dr. Y.V.R. Reddy, Principal Scientist (Agricultural Economics) and Head, Division of Design and Analysis at CRIDA. He has been working on watersheds since 1983-84. He published more than 300 papers in national and international journals and proceedings of seminars etc. He has 33 years experience. He is Principal Investigator on socio-economic evaluation of watershed development programme in India which is basis for this project.
O. Prakash
Dr. Om Prakash, Senior Scientist (Agricultural Extension), Central Soil Conservation Research and Training Institute, Datia Research Centre, Datia (M.P.). He has about 15 years experience. He has 50 papers to his credit.
K.P.R. Vittal
Dr. K.P.R. Vittal, Project Coordinator, AICRPDA and Former Head, Division of Resource Management, Officer-in-Charge (Watershed Programmes), CRIDA (ICAR), Hyderabad. He published about dozen books and about 150 papers in national and international journals and proceedings of seminars etc. He is Soil Scientist with specialization of Soil Physics. He specialized in drylands having full knowledge in dryland agriculture farming etc.