Document from the year 2017 in the subject Psychology - Work, Business, Organisational and Economic Psychology, grade: 2,3, University of Malta (Edward de Bono Institute), course: Research Methods, language: English, abstract: In regard of creativity in various scientific disciplines, there are plenty approaches and theories, each adding new dimensions, meanings of the term creativity or perspectives on the creativity approach towards the discussion, what creativity is, how it can be approached, measured and enhanced (von Wissel, 2012). The individual theories differ in different dimensions, e.g. focusing on creative geniuses and everyday creativity or paying attention to different aspects of creativity (for example the 4 Ps) in particular (Kozbelt, Beghetto and Runco, 2010). However, for the sake of complexity reduction and the forced investigation of psychological issues regarding creativity, especially concepts of the field of psychology should be taken in regard for this work. Namely the authors deal with three concepts of creativity that shaped the psychological discussion around it for the last years and can add to the foundations of their own research. [...]