Final Fantasy X tells the story of Tidus, a star Blitzball player who journeys with a young and beautiful summoner named Yuna on her quest to save the world of Spira from an endless cycle of destruction wrought by the colossal menace known as âSinâ. The guide for Final Fantasy X HD Remaster features all there is to see and do including a walkthrough from start to finish, in-depth knowledge on all gameplay systems, how to track down every celestial weapon and more!Inside Version 1.1 - (Updated Feb 2021)
- Full coverage of the Main Story
- In-depth walkthrough for all optional areas
- Gameplay system laid bare
- How to obtain and upgrade every celestial weapon
- Strategies for every boss and an in-depth Bestiary
- Information on every Aeon.
- How to complete the Monster Arena and defeat the Dark Aeons
- Trophy and Achievement guide so you never miss a single one!