Developmental Psychology: From infancy to adulthood, 3rd edition, continues to bring together a balanced focus on Australian and international research contributions in developmental psychology.
Students and lecturers alike will find this text addresses the issues of lifespan development in a rigorous and challenging way using a thematic rather than chronological approach. International and national research on graduate attributes consistently identifies critical thinking as one of the most important skills for psychology students.
The inclusion of Critical Thinking for Group Discussion at the end of each chapter is designed to encourage students in the development of this key skill. These questions help students develop the ability to engage in discussions on truth and validity and evaluate the relative importance of ideas and data. Students learn by doing, and this is encouraged through interactive features such as Stop and Review, Research Focus Boxes, and Practical Exercises which engage them in group discussion and challenge them to delve into complex and cross-domain analysis of lifespan development. Concept maps at the start of each chapter provide students with a visual snapshot of the chapter content.