This volume focuses on several important topics on fluxionality in organometallic and coordination chemistry, reviewed by experts in each of the respective fields. It is intended to provide both authoritative concepts and stimulating ideas in order to tackle dynamics from different angles, aiming at an interdisciplinary approach. The fascinating fluxionality of metal-ligand interactions has been in the centre of interest ever since modern coordination and organometallic chemistry started, and has expanded towards bioinorganic chemistry, catalysis and materials sciences.
Marcel Gielen, Professor Emeritus, Free University of Brussels, Belgium. Member of the Editorial Board on the journal, Applied Organometallic Chemistry.
Rudolph Willem, Free University of Brussels, Belgium. Member of the Editorial Board on the journal, Applied Organometallic Chemistry.
Bernd Wrackmeyer, Universitat Bayreuth, Germany. Member of the Editorial Board on the journal, Magnetic Resonance in Chemistry.