Luciano Spiazzi è stato in quegli anni il più attento osservatore, veritiero e fine critico, del movimento artistico bresciano contemporaneo, di cui si è proposto come narratore e interprete, frequentando quotidianamente con passione e curiosa generosità tutti gli studi degli artisti, fino a divenire, in altre parole, la penna artistica di Brescia.
Una raccolta preziosa, realizzata grazie all'impegno della Fondazione Dolci e della famiglia Spiazzi, un contributo offerto alle nuove generazioni a promozione della conoscenza dell'arte bresciana del '900.
This volume contains what Luciano Spiazzi - teacher, art critic and journalist, true Brescia born and bred gentleman, real "DOC" like our quality wines, for many years the main editor of the art pages and columns in the "Bresciaoggi" and then the "Il Giornale di Brescia" daily newspapers - wrote about the art activity in Brescia through nearly thirty years of his career in the second half of the 20th century. In particular, you will find his critical texts on the many artists to whom, to date, the Dolci Foundation has already dedicated 18 monographs.
In those years Luciano Spiazzi was the most careful attentive observer, truthful and fine art critic of the contemporary artistic movement in the Brescia area, of which he wanted to become the storyteller and interpreter, attending daily with passion and curious generosity all the artists' studios, in other words, actually becoming the pen of artistic Brescia.
A precious collection, made possible thanks to the commitment of the Dolci Foundation and the Spiazzi family; a contribution to the new generations in promoting the knowledge of the 19th century Brescia art.