These three books explain about how bedwetting can be viewed as a positive and enjoyable experience. The first book is a ‘how-to’ guide about how to enjoy and accept bedwetting as a viable lifestyle. The second two novels are fiction, but with an element of truth, as we see two adult bedwetters come to board at the same house. The landlady not only accepts them, but encourages them, and helps them find who they really are.
There are no more powerful pro-bedwetting books and novels on the market.
Forrest Grant is a life-long bedwetter who lives in the UK, but in years past, has lived in several other countries as well.
Growing up without the advantages of dry sheets, Forrest has developed a powerful interest in bedwetting and maintaining a positive attitude about it. A wearer of day nappies, he sheds them for night-time to relax in his own personal ‘Brer Rabbit’s Briar Patch.”An Adult Baby as well as a bedwetter, Forrest enjoys writing and reading and enjoys a marriage of 20+ years. They share separate beds – one dry, one wet!