Fouad GIRI received his PhD in automatic control from the Institut National Polytechnique of Grenoble, France, in 1988. He is Professor at the University of Caen basse-Normandie, Caen, France and member of the GREYC Lab (CNRS UMR 6072). He has served as associate editor for several journals including Control Engineering Practice and as a member of IFAC Technical Commitees on Modeling Identification and Signal Processing, and Adaptive and Learning Systems. His research interests include nonlinear system identification, nonlinear, adaptive and constrained control, and the application of identification and control theory to power converters and electric machines. He has published over 170 journal/conference papers on these topics and co-authored two textbooks on automatic control.
Er-Wei BAI received his PhD from the University of California in Berkeley in 1987 and is Professor of Electrical Engineering at the University of Iowa. He is an IEEE Fellow and an author/co-author of over 140 journal papers in the area. He has served as associate editor for a number of journals including IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control and Automatica. He currently serves as a member of the IEEE CSS Technical Committee on Identification and Adaptive Control and the IFAC Technical Committee on Modeling, Identification and Signal Processing