Chapters Brief Overview:
1: Service robot: Explore the role of service robots in diverse sectors, from healthcare to retail.
2: Robot: Discover foundational concepts that define robots and their unique characteristics.
3: Industrial robot: Uncover how robots revolutionize the industrial landscape through automation.
4: Automation: Delve into automation’s impact on productivity and labor transformation.
5: Software agent: Learn how software agents enable advanced robot decisionmaking.
6: Swarm robotics: Investigate collective intelligence in robotic swarms for complex tasks.
7: Business process automation: Examine robotic solutions for streamlining business workflows.
8: Joseph Engelberger: Tribute to the pioneer who popularized industrial and service robotics.
9: Vehicular automation: Understand automation’s role in selfdriving and smart vehicle tech.
10: Adaptable robotics: Explore robots that adapt to evolving tasks and environments.
11: Agricultural robot: See how robotics is enhancing efficiency in modern agriculture.
12: Robotics: Gain a holistic view of the robotics field and its technological advances.
13: Cobot: Learn about collaborative robots that work alongside humans safely.
14: Fourth Industrial Revolution: Discover robotics' influence in Industry 4.0’s transformation.
15: Automated synthesis: Understand how robotics automates complex manufacturing processes.
16: Robotic process automation: Dive into RPA’s role in automating repetitive tasks.
17: Mobile industrial robots: Explore mobile robots that navigate and optimize industrial spaces.
18: Lawbot: Uncover robotics' potential role within the legal and regulatory sectors.
19: Intelligent automation: Learn about smart automation systems and their decisionmaking.
20: Android (robot): Discover the world of humanlike android robots and their applications.
21: Humanoid robot: Delve into the design and function of robots resembling human forms.
Service Robot serves as both a roadmap and inspiration, guiding readers through the dynamic and expanding field of Robotics Science. It’s more than just an educational tool—it’s a gateway to understanding the future.