1: Western Marxism - Introduces the origins and key principles distinguishing Western Marxism from its Eastern counterpart.
2: Louis Althusser - Analyzes Althusser's contributions, focusing on structuralism and ideology.
3: Critique of Dialectical Reason - Examines Sartre's work on dialectics and historical materialism in Western discourse.
4: Karl Korsch - Investigates Korsch's revisionist theories and their influence on Western thought.
5: Praxis - Explores praxis as a crucial element in Western Marxist thought, linking theory and practice.
6: Raya Dunayevskaya - Surveys Dunayevskaya's contributions to Marxist humanism and reinterpretations of Marx.
7: Marxist aesthetics - Examines Marxism's influence on Western artistic movements and cultural criticism.
8: 20th-century French philosophy - Traces Marxism's impact on French philosophers like Foucault and Derrida.
9: Marxist schools of thought - Maps out diverse interpretations within Western Marxism.
10: For Marx - Revisits Althusser's work and its implications for understanding Marx.
11: Philosophy in the Soviet Union - Analyzes Marxist philosophy's evolution in the Soviet context.
12: Main Currents of Marxism - Traverses key intellectual currents within Western Marxism.
13: Marxist humanism - Explores the humanist dimensions of Western Marxist thought.
14: Young Marx - Examines Marx's early writings and their influence on Western Marxism.
15: Economic and Philosophic Manuscripts of 1844 - Analyzes Marx's early explorations of alienation and labor.
16: Marxist philosophy - Synthesizes diverse strands of Western Marxist philosophy.
17: György Lukács - Investigates Lukács's contributions to Western Marxism, focusing on reification and class consciousness.
18: Orthodox Marxism - Examines orthodox Marxism's foundational tenets and their adaptations in Western thought.
19: Dialectical materialism - Explores dialectical materialism in Western Marxism, contrasting historical interpretations.
20: History and Class Consciousness - Revisits Lukács's work on ideology, consciousness, and revolutionary praxis.
21: Outline of Marxism - Provides an overview of key Marxist principles in Western contexts.
"Western Marxism" offers essential insights and validations across critical theories, making it a must-have for any library or curriculum. This intellectual journey is key to understanding contemporary political and social dynamics.