Matt Hilton is kidnapped and taken to a galactic "reserve" for endangered species. There he encounters Ryan Morrison, a young but determined scientist, and Sara Hollings, who more than anything yearns to see Earth. Together they begin a perilous quest for freedom. Matt is forced to masquerade as an alien from the unique realm of Galator while Ryan and Sara undergo the rigors of "displacement", a process that shrinks them into tiny black holes. As they journey, their goal becomes one of mere survival, until they realize the ultimate challenge that awaits them in the planetary system of Terezor.
FRANK ASCH lives in Middletown Springs, Vermont. He is the award winning author-illustrator of more than seventy picture books and ten novels for young readers. Journey to Terezor, written in 1989, was his first work of Science Fiction for children. Visit his website at, or his Facebook Author page at: