This report presents information on public elementary schools and secondary schools for the 1990-91 school year and the 1990 fiscal year, with an appendix containing final revised data for the 1989-90 school year and the 1989 fiscal year. Statistics are based on data collected through two of the four surveys of the Common Core of Data (CCD) conducted annually by the National Center for Education Statistics, the State Nonfiscal Survey of Public Elementary and Secondary Education and the National Public Education Financial Survey. There were 41.2 million students enrolled in public schools in 1990, an increase of 1.7% over the previous year's total. The number of regular high school graduates for 1989-90 was 2.3 million. Although this represented an absolute decline compared to the preceding year, the proportion of 12th graders who graduated actually increased by 1%. Of the 4.5 million school staff, 2.8 million (62.3%) were teachers or aides, and 201,000 (4.4%) were administrators. The national student-to-teacher ratio for 1990-91 remained the same as in 1989-90, with an average of 17.2 students per teacher. Total reported revenues for public elementary and secondary education were $207.6 billion for fiscal year 1990 compared to $192.0 billion for fiscal year 1989. Current expenditures in fiscal year 1990 were $187.4 billion, averaging $4,960 per pupil in average daily attendance. Fourteen tables present survey data. Appendix A contains an additional 14 tables, and Appendix B contains the 2 survey forms. (SLD)