Do you wonder what the mind has to do with the origin of the cosmos? Everything. I'm not going to address data that I covered half a decade ago in the initial Sakla Rebellion trilogy, but I do have to remind you, if you've read it, that mythology plays an important role in our understanding of the perceivable universe - as long as they're understood. their symbols and know how to adapt to the principles of the mind -. As a point of reference I use the story that we have received by transmission from the Hebrew prophet Moses (or Mashah, if we read it literally from the Hebrew language, or Moshe, as the Jews call him). Why? Well, I am Jewish by descent, an Israeli citizen and I speak Hebrew, so what better than to give my opinion from a more scholarly angle on this field? And if you ask me, why Moses? Although, I can take some isolated source as a skeleton to build the body of this book, but what happens is that the circumstances have occurred in such a way that these writings – which
To the speculative and superstitious mind, man, and the rest of existing things, were created by one or more supernatural beings from some other state of abstract reality, while others would attribute this fact to a source in other dimensions, or other planets. Mythologies are a clear example of these phenomenal and acheetypal reasoning. Although, it was only until the consolidation of ideas about the mind that exploded with individuals like Sigmund Freud and Carl Gustav Jung - among many others - that mythology and its archetypes, and the idea of a Collective Mind, began to be understood. Already Plato and a few before him, even Freud and Jung, had commented on this, and had indicated the reality of Mind over the "world" of phenomena. However, the ability to deeply understand the apparent inscrutability of the Mind was not yet fully plausible until less than two centuries ago.