Free-Wrench Collection: Volume 2

· Joseph R. Lallo
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Steam-powered airships rule the skies in a world blanketed by a toxic fug.

These are the continuing adventures of Nita, Lil, Coop, Cap’n Mack, and the rest of the Wind Breaker crew in a series of steampunk adventures that comprise the second half of the main story arc of the Free-Wrench series.

The collection includes three full novels:

The Calderan Problem - The Wind Breaker earns a safe harbor in Caldera and brings its conflict with it.

Cipher Hill - The Wind Breaker Crew goes on the offensive, dead set on dethroning the biggest thorn in their side.

Contaminant Six - The fug takes a terrible toll on the Wind Breaker crew, but just as this journey began as a search for a cure, so shall the journey end.

It also includes two short stories:

Lil and Coop - The tale of how the Cooper siblings came to be a part of the Wind Breaker Crew

The New Inspector - The story of how the ship got its surly ship's inspector.

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