Frosting on the Cake: Volume 2

· Frosting on the Cake 1-р ном · Bella Books
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Good books are like good desserts—satisfying and tasty. But who doesn't want more whipped cream or another dollop of chocolate? "More" is exactly what Karin Kallmaker whips up in Frosting on the Cake. It's a baker's dozen of goodies featuring the characters that readers all over the world already know and love.

The menu is full of sweet, sexy stories inspired by her critically acclaimed and wildly popular bestsellers like Painted Moon, Wild Things, Touchwood, Unforgettable and more. Who says we can't have our cake and eat it too?


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Karin Kallmaker's novels span lesbian romance, lesbian erotica and lesbian science-fiction/fantasy. More than five dozen short stories have appeared in anthologies and standalone collections. Her writing career began with the venerable Naiad Press, continues with Bella Books and includes more than two dozen novels in print. In 2008, she joined Bella Books as the press's first Editorial Director. When she isn't writing books she is thinking about books.

In previous lives, Karin worked as a non-profit accountant for a senior housing association and a low-income housing lender, and had a brief stint as a document processor on an oil refinery. She is the mother of two teenagers and lives in the San Francisco Bay Area with her partner. She is descended from Lady Godiva, a fact which she will tell anyone who will listen,and she likes her chocolate real and her iPod loud.


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