ÂŋQuÃĐ sabes en realidad del EspÃritu Santo? Es posible que hayas escuchado informaciÃģn confusa y hasta conflictiva sobre quiÃĐn es el EspÃritu Santo y lo que hace. Tal vez te sientas desconectado de Ãl, aÚn cuando anhelas experimentar su dinÃĄmica presencia y poder. En El fuego que nos impulsa hallarÃĄs la clara y sencilla enseÃąanza, tomada de la Palabra de Dios, que te muestra cÃģmo conocer de manera Ãntima al EspÃritu Santo, su fruto, su poder, y su direcciÃģn, a fin de tener una vida de victoria y gozo. No busques mÃĄs, ÂĄhe aquà la ayuda prÃĄctica que has estado buscando y que tanto necesitas! What do you really know about the Holy Spirit? You may have heard confusing and even conflicting information about who the Holy Spirit is and what He does. You may feel disconnected from Him, even as you desire to experience His dynamic presence and power. In The Fire that Ignites you will find the clear and simple teaching, taken from God's Word, that shows you how to intimately know the Holy Spirit, His fruit, His power, and His direction, in order to have a life of victory and joy. Look no further, here is the practical help you have been looking for and need so much!