Dr. Swapan Kumar Ghosh is Research Engineer at Arcelor Innovation R & D, OCAS N.V. in Zelzate, Belgium. His research work focuses on polymer synthesis by emulsion polymerizations, microencapsulation, organic-inorganic hybrids, nanoparticle and nanotechnology, conductive polymers and combinatorial coating technology.
He obtained his Ph.D. in 2000 in Polymer Technology from the Indian Institute of Technology in Kharagpur, India, then spent two postdoc years at the Technical University of Eindhoven in the Polymer Chemistry Department and Laboratory of Coating Technology, respectively.
Apart from various other awards and scholarships, he received the first prize in the national essay competition of the Indian Thermal Analysis Society, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Mumbai, India and obtained a Senior Research Fellowship from the Indian Government Council of Scientific and Industrial Research in 1999.