Barsa Kelmes: The Nomads Return follows Professor Ansar Tolengitovich, a disillusioned molecular biologist in Kazakhstan, who uses biomaterials for cloning. The Professor ends up cloning Kenesary, the tragically decapitated last khan of the Kazakhs. Afterwards, he finds Tomyris, a volunteer surrogate mother, and chooses the island of Barsa-Kelmes to manufacture a hero to revive the nomadic civilization.
Kenesary moves to the United Kingdom to study. He meets a Uyghur tightrope-walker who has been brainwashed to believe he is a reincarnation of Amursana, the last prince of Jungars, and historically, Kenesary’s own uncle. Seeking legitimacy, the pair seek out the Queen, and try to gain royal status. This puts them in the crosshairs of a Russian agent and Kazakh president Qozganov, who are not excited about having these “pretenders” back on the political steppe.
Their continuing adventures lead them to many questions. Who is really behind Kenesary and Amursana’s re-creation? What is the true secret of the Eternal Head that privately rules Russia? Can they sidestep trouble and revive the nomadic way of life in the modern world or will the new Kenesary get into trouble again?
Gabit Bekakhmetov is an educator and entrepreneur with a strong interest in Central Asia and Eastern Europe. He studied politics, philosophy, and business at Duke, Eurasian National University, and Oxford. Having grown up in a Soviet collective farm and a nomadic camp nearby, he is passionate about steppe cultures and curious about the effects of new technologies on the region's future. As a serial school founder and writer, he promotes critical thinking and STEM education. Gabit has worked on translating The Eagle Huntress, a documentary that was short-listed for an Oscar. He spends most of his time in Burabay, Kazakhstan and Cambridge, England. He is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts.