Gabriel Rockhill is Associate Professor of Philosophy at Villanova University, Directeur de programme at the Collège International de Philosophie in Paris, and Founder and Director of the Critical Theory Workshop at the Université Paris Descartes. He is the author of Radical History and the Politics of Art (Columbia University Press, 2014) and Logique de l'histoire: Pour une analytique des pratiques philosophiques (Editions Hermann, 2010). He co-edited and co-authored, with Alfredo Gomez-Muller, Politics of Culture and the Spirit of Critique: Dialogues (Columbia University Press, 2011), which has also been published in French and in Spanish. He co-edited and contributed to Jacques Rancière: History, Politics, Aesthetics (Duke University Press, 2009) and Technologies de contrôle dans la mondialisation: Enjeux politiques, éthiques et esthétiques (Editions Kimé, 2009). He also edited and translated, with John V. Garner, Cornelius Castoriadis's Postscript on Insignificance (Continuum Books, 2011), as well as Jacques Rancière's The Politics of Aesthetics (Continuum Books, 2004).