Roberto Natalini is a mathematician and the Director of the Istituto per le Applicazioni del Calcolo of the National Research Council of Italy. His research themes include: fluid dynamics, road traffic, semiconductors, chemical and biological damage of monuments, biomathematics, game theory in evolutionary dynamics. In the last few years his research has focused on the mathematical models of the organs-on-chip and other experimental settings related to the cells movement.
Luigi Preziosi is full professor of Mathematical Physics at the Politecnico di Torino. His research is essentially devoted to the different aspects of mathematical modelling, from the formulation of models, to their analytic study, simulation and validation. In the last thirty years his attention focused on biomedical applications, including tumour growth, vascular networks, tissue mechanics, cell-environment interactions, cell migration, multiscale aspects in individual based models.
Pasquale Palumbo is an Associate Professor of systems and control theory at the University of Milano-Bicocca, Milan, Italy, and an associate researcher at the Institute of Systems Analysis and Computer Science “A. Ruberti,” Italian National Research Council (IASI-CNR), Rome, Italy. His present research focuses on both methodological and application topics, including mathematical modeling and control of the glucose–insulin system, and systems and synthetic biology.