Jasmine Candler (Mrs.Candler)
This book has it all zombies, action, romance, family, heartbreak... did I mention the ACTION This book is my all time favorite (and so is the author, love u gena showalter) U will not want to put it down (I know I didnt evan if ur not a big reader and to honast I wasnt a big readernto tell u truth I wasnt I thought books were a waist of time until I heard about it than I checked it out for myself and foind muself reading tht book every chance I got evan got told to put it away a few times in class. :)
3 people found this review helpful
Lily Tosta
Ive read the first and second so many times but cant find the hardbook of the third in my town :( plus i dont have money to buy it xc but i will track it down this series is anazing and cole and ali are perfect i love how cole is opening up :)
Keydra Maechelle
The White Rabbit Chronicles... Man.. In a nutshell? No words can describe the greatness! I seriously stumbled upon the first two in my college library. It was literally calling out to me. Gena combined my two favorite things in the world: Zombies and Alice. With this book, I laughed, frowned, shunned, cursed, literally threw the book across the room and cried a good 20 minutes before picking it back up. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.
2 people found this review helpful