Bishop George Bloomer is the founder and senior pastor of Bethel Family Worship Center in Durham, North Carolina, and The Life Church in Goldsboro, North Carolina. A native of Brooklyn, New York, Bloomer overcame difficult personal challenges, as well as a destructive environment of poverty and drugs, and he uses those learning experiences to empower others to excel beyond their seeming limitations. He has appeared on several television, radio, and media outlets nationwide, including CNN’s Faces of Faith, The Trinity Broadcasting Network, The Harvest Show (LeSEA Broadcasting), and The 700 Club (Christian Broadcasting Network). He can be seen weekly on his nationally broadcast program, Spiritual Authority. Bloomer is the author of a number of books, including More of Him, Authority Abusers, and the national best seller, Witchcraft in the Pews. He has also collaborated with Mary K. Baxter on A Divine Revelation of Deliverance,A Divine Revelation of Prayer, and A Divine Revelation of Healing.