Contents: Introduction. Dennis TATE: Trapped in the past? The identity problems of East German writers since the Wende. Stuart PARKES: Disunity and unity - The inter-German Literaturstreitof the early 1990s. Astrid HERHOFFER: Auf der Suche nach Wahrheit. Helmut PEITSCH: 'Vereinigung': Literarische Debatten �ber die Funktion der intellektuellen. Ian HUTCHINGS: Reunited Germany: bane or blessing for Europe? John THEOBALD & Gertrud ZUBER: Who wanted unification? Ann KENNARD: Emerging relations between Germany and Poland since German unification. Clive EDWARDS: Trade unions in the new Bundesl�nder:the shape of things to come? Marilyn FARR: Works councils in the new Bundesl�nder- the management view. Ulla KITE: Political, economic and social changes and developments since unification: case study Leipzig. Derek LEWIS: The role of language in the fall of the GDR and the aftermath. Hermann KORTE: Zur Lage der Universit�ten in Deutschland. Simon GREEN: The European dimension in German schools. Alan BANCE: The impact of the second Gulf War on German political culture and consciousness. David HEAD: 'Made in Germany' in the 1990s. Gisela SHAW: Die Deutschen Rechtsanw�lte - eine Profession im Umbruch?