George Baourakis is the Director of the Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Chania, CIHEAM–MAICh since June 2012, and the Studies and Research Coordinator of the Business Economics and Management Department of MAICh since 1989.He has co-ordinated and participated in a large number of EU (FP 4th, 5th, 6th and 7th, INTERREG I, II and III-Archimed, MED, ENPI CBC MED, Tempus, Phare, Life, Lifelong Learning, Leonardo Da Vinci, European Social Fund, etc), international and national-regional research projects. He is an Affiliate Professor in Marketing and Supply Chain Management, at the Centre of Entrepreneurship, Nyenrode University, The Netherlands Business School, while he has been appointed as Distinguished Research Fellow in Food Marketing-Management at several universities. He has published numerous papers in internationally refereed scientific journals, presented extensively at international conferences and authored/co-authored several scientific and academic books and special issues which have been distributed by renowned publishing houses.