"Luther" is a British crime drama television series that follows the personal and professional life of DCI John Luther, played by Idris Elba. The series features six seasons, each carrying four to six episodes. Luther is known for his obsessive pursuit of justice and his unique crime-solving methods, which often land him in trouble with his superiors. Throughout the series, Luther battles with his inner demons, struggles to maintain his relationships, and deals with the consequences of his actions. The intense dynamics between the characters make this series a gripping watch, as viewers are kept on the edge of their seats while Luther tries to outsmart the criminals. The show has been well-received for its excellent performances, cinematic quality, and tense atmosphere. Elba's portrayal of Luther has been lauded by critics, with his character being described as "compelling," "tortured," and "brilliant." The show has been praised for its complex and multi-layered storytelling, with each season adding a new layer of depth to Luther's character. The series has been nominated for a number of awards, including several Emmys and Golden Globes. With its heart-thumping action and heart-wrenching moments, "Luther" is a must-watch for fans of the crime genre.