Drawing on empirical materials from a variety of longitudinal studies of Europe and North American policy development, this book assesses some of the major existing and unresolved issues currently challenging the discipline. It assesses existing approaches to understanding the multiplicity of drivers of policy change and provides a general map of the composite, multidimensional world of policies in action. The book features case studies on welfare reform, education reform, the World Bank, tobacco control policy, energy policy, agricultural policy, pension reform and the impact of public opinion. Features of the volume include:
This book will be of interest to students and scholars of public policy, public administration and public management, and political science programmes worldwide.
Giliberto Capano is Professor of Political Science and Public Policy at the University of Bologna, Forlì Campus. He specializes in public policy analysis, Italian legislative behaviour, public administration, and comparative higher education.
Michael Howlett is Burnaby Mountain Professor in the Department of Political Science, Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, BC, Canada. He specializes in public policy analysis, Canadian political economy, and resource and environmental policy.