Grace J. Reviewerlady
Now here’s a novel with everything going for it! Three couples have planned a weekend getaway only, at the last minute, the men are delayed by a day so the women set off together for the isolated converted barn which has been booked for their stay. The road is so inaccessible that they have to leave their car and travel the last bit of their journey in the farmer’s jeep. On arrival, they find a note claiming that one of their husbands’ has been murdered. Panic sets in as they are completely alone, with no landline, no phone signal, no internet and the weather is quickly deteriorating. The splinters in the relationships are showing – and it’s only the beginning . . . It’s fair to say that I have loved everything I’ve read by Gilly Macmillan; she has such a lovely smiley face but, trust me, behind her eyes is a brain like a steel trap which concocts tales to shock and surprise her readers over and over again. This one dropped another revelation every time I thought that something completely different was going on! A thoroughly gripping read all the way to the very end. I particularly love that we found out what happened to everyone featured after that fateful weekend ; this, for me, was the icing on the cake. Beautifully written as I have come to expect from this author, this is a novel I highly recommend to everyone who enjoys a really suspenseful and thrilling read! This one easily commands a full house of glowing, sparkling stars!