You have such a friend. He is your Father in heaven, and He wants to spend time with you and hear the desires of your heart. He wants to comfort and guide you. Good Morning, God! is a wonderful way to begin your day. By spending just a few minutes each morning, youll embark on your day filled with the Word of God and prayer. You will feel a closeness to the Lord that will linger throughout the day. As trials and temptation appear, you will have the strength of the Lord to overcome whatever the world throws at you.
Instead of letting the daily grind and craziness get you down, your day will be overflowing with the Holy Spirit and the joy of the Lord. Your heart will be lifted, and you will experience a feeling of exuberance like never before.
The Lord wants a close, personal relationship with you. He wants to shower you with His blessings. He wants to be there for you in every circumstance.
Spend time alone with Him today, and see what blessings He has in store for you.
God bless you on your journey in His Word and prayer.
My life had been a normal, every-day life until about 14 years ago. I worked in the secular world for years until I felt God calling me to work for Him.
As this tugging increased, I continued to pray about it and I realized this feeling was real, but what did God have in mind? As I continued to pray, I became certain that God would reveal His will in His time.
I was laid off from my paralegal position and realized it was God’s will. I would have never quit that job. Through prayer and daily time spent in His Word God’s call became so obvious I could no longer ignore it. I was so excited and just couldn’t wait to get to work doing His will, but what was that will? I was sure He had something spectacular in mind for me. You know, like “Mother Ginger” or something like that. Days, weeks, months and years began to go by and still no word from God. I spent more and more time alone with Him reading His Word with tears streaming down my face beseeching Him to give me a sign – open a door or whatever, but nothing came. I knew He would provide, but what was going on?
I was ready to do His work! I didn’t realize I wasn’t ready and had not completely given myself to Him -- trusting Him with my future. After much pruning and prayer, He revealed to me His plan for my life.
I am incredibly blessed to be called by God to “Feed His sheep.” Writing Good Morning, God! is in response to that call. He truly inspired me through the Holy Spirit with the words and thoughts contained herein. He wants a personal relationship with each of us and this book can give us that relationship. Most of us don’t have time to spend alone with Him each day. This devotion of scripture and prayer will open the door to knowing Him better and we will love Him more. I pray that the “dangling prayer” at the end of each day will inspire us to continue praying our heart to the Lord. If we just spend a few minutes each day it can lead to more and more time in His Word and in prayer. Before we know it, we can’t let a day go by without spending “quiet time” with Him. I am a child of God and have been blessed to the point my cup overflows. I love the Lord and want everyone to know Him and love Him. I am the Director of Adult Ministries at Westminster United Methodist Church in Houston, Texas. Among other things, I lead Bible studies and care for our members. I have been married to one of God’s special Angels, Dennis Hurta, for 45 years. He is my soul mate, best friend and love of my life. He is my greatest support and has faith in what God is doing in both of our lives.We have both been Christians all our life. We went to church but realized we were just “pew warmers.” We both attended The Walk to Emmaus in 2002 and our lives were changed. Praise God.
We are blessed to be on our faith journey together and look forward to each new day with anticipation of what God has in store. We know that all things come from God and He is showering us with His blessings, grace and love. We also know that all things work together for the good for those who love the Lord and are called according to His purpose. We want to spend our life furthering the Kingdom and bringing people to Christ. That is our greatest joy.
I pray Good Morning, God! will give you a strong, personal relationship with the Lord and you will be richly blessed by being in His Word and prayer each day. God Bless you.