Unknown User
It is of utmost importance that the correct interpretation is used in the King James version being featured in this e-book.For example in Gen1:1 I have noticed it states "In the begining God created the heaven and the earth", "heaven" being singular where as in the original KJV it states "heavens" as plural which is of utmost importance as you go along.For such reasons i will not purchase the book as it is misleading and inaccurate as the New Translation Bibles, Please correct this,thanx
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Chuse Pfithu
Vjjcxg Guojc yes I am still interested I jnfdtuibcftuojbvxdtum try out a her to the vet the flashlight in teetghi I didn't know you efgji I didn't know edfghui m vczsrtuugce I hvghhbbhut yyycji I didn't see the flashlight on a call from the class Lkg home work I will be there for the first time in the morning do this meaning ur tggytsurw the uv Hy to eat with RT now and then tfvgggguhuuu I y
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