Gottfried Schweiger is a trained philosopher and has been working as a Senior Scientist at the Centre for Ethics and Poverty Research of the University of Salzburg since 2011. He was visiting researcher in St. Gallen and Bochum. Gottfried (co-)authored several peer-reviewed articles and chapters, (co-)edited volumes, and together with Gunter Graf he wrote two monographs on the philosophy of childhood (both published by Palgrave Macmillan). His latest publication are “Absolute Poverty in Europe. Interdisciplinary Perspectives on a Hidden Phenomenon” (Policy Press 2019, co-edited with Helmut P. Gaisbauer and Clemens Sedmak), the Special Issue “Global Justice for Children” (Journal of Global Ethics 2019, co-edited with Johannes Drerup) and “Poverty, Inequality and the Critical Theory of Recognition” (Springer 2020).