Since the publication of the first edition of Signal Transduction: A Practical Approach in 1992 there has been a great deal of new information about the processes of signal transduction and consequently many new methods have been developed. This new edition has therefore been updated and extended to include the major new methods now available. The first part of the book is mainly concerned with G protein-coupled receptors and covers structural studies of conformational changes and binding sites, phosphorylation and desensitisation, identification, receptor fusion proteins, and reporter gene systems. The second part includes methods for studying components of the other major families of signal transduction: adenylyl cylase and cAMP, phosphorylated inositol lipids, phosphinositide 3-kinases, phosphlipase D and phosphatidylcholine, sphingosine kinase, and inositol 1,4,5-triphosphate. Also included are chapters on baculoviral expression systems and the quantitative assay of mitogen activated protein kinases in intact cells and tissues. As with the previous edition Signal Transduction 2e covers a wide range of techniques and will be useful to both experienced researchers and newcomers.