ICGT 2004 was the 2nd International Conference on Graph Transformation, following the first one in Barcelona (2002), and a series of six international workshops on graph grammars with applications in computer science between 1978 and 1998. ICGT 2004 was held in Rome (Italy), Sept. 29-Oct. 1, 2004 under the auspices of the European Association for Theoretical Computer Science (EATCS), the European Association of Software Science and Technology (EASST), and the IFIP WG 1.3, Foundations of Systems Specification. The scope of the conference concerned graphical structures of various kinds (like graphs, diagrams, visual sentences and others) that are useful when describing complex structures and systems in a direct and intuitive way. These structures are often augmented with formalisms that add to the static description a further dimension, allowing for the modelling of the evolution of systems via all kinds of transformations of such graphical structures. The field of graph transformation is concerned with the theory, applications, and implementation issues of such formalisms. The theory is strongly related to areas such as graph theory and graph algorithms, formal language and parsing theory, the theory of concurrent and distributed systems, formal specification and verification, logic, and semantics. The application areas include all those fields of computer science, information processing,engineering,and the natural sciences where static and dynamic m- elling using graphical structures and graph transformations, respectively, play important roles. In many of these areas tools based on graph transformation technology have been implemented and used
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