Part II borrows special case-studies from queueing theory (in particular, the famous problem of Joining the Shorter of Two Queues) and enumerative combinatorics (Counting, Asymptotics).
Researchers and graduate students should find this book very useful.
G. FAYOLLE: Engineer degree from École Centrale in 1967, Doctor-es-Sciences (Mathematics) from University of Paris 6, 1979. He joined INRIA in 1971. Research Director and team leader (1975-2008), now Emeritus. He has written about 100 papers in Analysis, Probability and Statistical Physics.
R. IASNOGORODSKI: Doctor-es-Sciences (Mathematics) from University of Paris 6, 1979. Associate Professor in the Department of Mathematics at the University of Orléans (France), 1977-2003. He has written about 30 papers in Analysis and Probability.
V.A. MALYSHEV: 1955-1961 student Moscow State University, 1967-nowadays Professor at Moscow State University, 1990-2005 Research Director at INRIA (France). He has written about 200 papers in Analysis, Probability and Mathematical Physics.