This is an important time for those researching virtual worlds, videogaming and Web 2.0 technologies, since there is growing professional interest in their significance in the education and development of children and young people. Whether these technologies are solely associated with informal learning or whether they should be incorporated into classroom contexts is hotly debated. This book provides a principled evaluation and appreciation of the learning, teaching and instruction that can occur in digital environments, showing children, young people and those who work with them as active agents with possibilities to navigate new paths.
Guy Merchant is Professor of Literacy in Education at Sheffield Hallam University.
Julia Gillen is Senior Lecturer in Digital Literacies at the Literacy Research Centre, Lancaster University.
Jackie Marsh is Professor of Education at the University of Sheffield, UK.
Julia Davies is Senior Lecturer in Education at the University of Sheffield, UK. She is a director of the Centre for the Study of New Literacies at Sheffield, and directs the EdD in Literacy and Language and the MA in New Literacies.