Gwyther Rees is Research Director, The Children's Society, UK, and Visiting Associate, Social Policy Research Unit, University of York, UK. His recent research has included a focus on young runaways and child protection issues affecting young people, and his current research focuses on children's well-being. Mike Stein is Research Professor, Social Policy Research Unit, University of York, UK. He directed the neglected adolescents research project funded under the Safeguarding Children's Research Initiative. He specializes in the problems and challenges faced by young people leaving care, vulnerable adolescents, and young people living on the streets and running away from care. Leslie Hicks is Reader in the School of Health and Social Care at the University of Lincoln, UK. She specializes in research in the fields of services for children and adults, child protection and well-being and social exclusion. Sarah Gorin is Senior Research Officer, NSPCC, UK. Her research interests include child protection, family support, looked after children and the impact of domestic violence and parental substance misuse on children.