About the AuthorH. James Harrington
In Amy Zuckermans book, Tech Trending, Dr. Harrington was referred to as "the quintessential tech trender." The New York Times referred to him as having a "knack for synthesis and an open mind about packaging his knowledge and experience in new ways characteristics that may matter more as prerequisites for new-economy success than technical wizardry." Well-known business management practices author, Tom Peters, stated, "I fervently hope that Harringtons readers will not only benefit from the thoroughness of his effort but will also smell the fundamental nature of the challenge for change that he mounts." William Clinton, past president of the United States, appointed Dr. Harrington to serve as an Ambassador of Good Will. It has been said about him, "He writes the books that other consultants use."
Harrington Institute was featured on a half-hour TV program, Heartbeat of America, which focuses on outstanding small businesses that make America strong. The host, William Shatner, stated, "You [Dr. Harrington] manage an entrepreneurial company that moves America forward. You are obviously successful."
Dr. H. James Harrington now serves as the chief executive officer (CEO) for the Harrington Institute and Harrington Middle East. He also serves as the chairman of the board for a number of businesses. Dr. Harrington is recognized as one of the world leaders in applying performance improvement methodologies to business processes. He has an excellent record of coming into an organization, working as its CEO or chief operating officer (COO), resulting in a major improvement in its financial and quality performance.
Previous Experience
In February 2002 Dr. Harrington retired as the COO of Systemcorp A.L.G., the leading supplier of knowledge management and project management software solutions, whe