This book is distinctive in the domain of cyber Security as it provides the importance of cyber security by theexplanation of cyber crimes & hackers illicit or negative steps towards citizens. The book provides you various ways to be safe, helps you to identify cyber criminals, security advice or countermeasures, protection tools and software details, dangerous outcomes of delinquencies, defensive tips and techniques, do’s and don’ts to avoid being a potential victim of cybercrimes. This book will prove to be the best book in spreading awareness of cyber security, delineating all kind of cyber-attacks, types of cyber threats, identifying or detecting vulnerable threats or malicious files and revealing all possible techniques adopted or executed by hackers to hack a bank account with, How to Prevent the Hacker to Hack You? The author wrote in such a way that it can be simple, accessible, understandable by the normal citizens, who aren't having any strong technical background, also can protect themselves online.
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