Fairy Spell Book
Love, LOVE, LOOOOOOVE this book!!!! Author Hannah Moskowitz brings snarky, realistic teenagers to life while accurately representing chronic illness, physical disability, and family interactions in a way that is a joy to read, and kept me wanting to know what happens next. This tale of sick kids being allowed to be sick, versus having to hide it and pretend things are fine, really resonated with me. This is something everyone should read and be aware of; everyone who has someone in their life who is chronically ill or disabled to some degree. The whole idea that well-meaning acquaintances, or even close family members, may affect the way a chronically ill person views themselves and their abilities. Those around us may wield unknown influence over a person’s way of thinking; disappointment when they can’t do something; often or all the time, or ever, versus it’s okay to not be able to do that thing sometimes, or often, or ever. These are really important concepts and Moskowitz completely gets it, and portrays it accurately, in a fun way. #SickKidsInLove #NetGalley - I voluntarily read a Review Copy of this book. All opinions stated are solely my own and no one else’s.