Originally published in 1916, Fairy Tales by Hans Andersen, is illustrated with the magnificent colour and black and white illustrations of Harry Clarke. This collection contains twenty-four of Andersen’s stories, including such well-known and loved tales as ‘The Little Mermaid, ‘The Steadfast Tin Soldier’, ‘The Ugly Duckling’, ‘The Snow Queen’, ‘The Nightingale’ and ‘The Red Shoes’. Hans Christian Andersen (1805-1875) was a Danish poet and author celebrated for his children’s stories but perhaps best known for his fables and fairy tales – meant for both adults and children. They were frequently written in a colloquial style, using idioms and spoke language in a manner previously unseen in Danish literature. Though simple at first glance, Andersen’s stories often convey sophisticated moral teachings, in equal measure heart-breaking and heart-warming. The stories of Fairy Tales by Hans Andersen are accompanied by the dazzling illustrations of a master of the trade; Harry Clarke (1889 – 1931). Clarke was an Irish stained-glass artist and book illustrator – and a leading figure in the Irish Arts and Crafts Movement. His drawings were inspired by the Art Nouveax style so typical of this period – and his sinuous lines combined with delicate colouring earned him a reputation as a preeminent illustrator of the ‘Golden Age.’ Presented alongside the text, his illustrations further refine and elucidate Andersen’s captivating narratives.