1934 Born in Rotterdam, the Netherlands1946-1951 Highschools in Rotterdam and Bandung (Indonesia)1959 MSc. degree in Mechanical Engineering at TU-Delft1966 Ph.D. degree at the Delft University of Technology Thesis on the Wheel Shimmy Phenomenon Advisers: Prof. De Pater and Prof. Van Eldik Thieme!966-1996 Professor of Vehicle System Engineering Delft University of Technology1971 Visiting professor at HSRI (UMTRI), University of Michigan!972-1989 Editor in Chief of journal Vehicle System Dynamics1977-1989 Secretary General of the International Association for Vehicle System Dynamics (IAVSD)!989 Honorary Doctorate Stockholm Royal Institute of Technology1993-2006 Consultant TNO-Automotive, The Netherlands1994-2000 President of IAVSD2002- 2012 Author of book (1st, 2nd ,3d editions) 'Tire and Vehicle Dynamics' Hans' areas of expertise include theoretical and experimental research on the dynamics of road vehicles and on the mechanical behaviour of pneumatic tires, and Bond graph modeling of dynamic systems.