In this short book, the author examines the prophecies in Islam about the Imam Mahdi and Second Coming of Jesus i.e. Promised Messiah. The concept of non-Ahmadi Muslims and the Ahmadiyya understanding of these prophecies in light of religious history and Quran.
Hazrat Mirza Tahir Ahmad (1928–2003), a man of God, Voice articulate of the age, a great orator, a deeply learned scholar of phenomenal intelligence, a prolific and versatile writer, a keen student of comparative religions, the spiritual head, being the fourth successor of Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (the Promised Messiah and Mahdi), to which august office he was elected as Khalīfatul Masih in 1982.
Besides being a religious leader, he was a homeopathic physician of world fame, a highly gifted poet and a sportsman. Though he had no formal education in philosophy and science, he had a philosophical bent of mind and tackled most difficult and abstruse theological-philosophical questions with great acumen and ease and his intellectual approach was always rational and scientific.